Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Do you have room for one more?
Just like that Christmas so long ago, I am finding people who don't have room in their lives for others. They are so busy with creating the most perfectly decorated home, or buying the perfect gift that they don't truly "see" others. Worse, they may even be searching for a gift for someone who they really don't care for and wish that they didn't feel the pressure to buy "something" for them. Some are checking their notes from last year and "re-gifting" that dumb gift from Auntie Sallie's second cousin who felt obligated to bring the hostess a gift, hoping that no one realizes what they did.
A room? Are you kidding? You want to bring a guest? But we didn't buy them a gift? How will they feel not getting a gift? Really? Is that what this precious time of celebrating Christ's birth means to you?
At least, 2000+ years ago, the true state of affairs was that there truly wasn't one more place to put someone in the inn. It's a sad tale. No woman in her right mind can fathom what that must have really been like. But today, it's appalling that we can't seat one more person at the already overflowing table. It's appalling that we don't want to take the time to share our blessings with just one more person. It's appalling to think that we may have truly lost the real meaning of Christmas.
I remember times when my dad would call and tell my mom unexpected guests would be coming. Oh, yes, she wasn't perfect. (sorry mom) She would sometimes complain. Our house wasn't clean enough. We didn't have enough food. She was too tired. BUT, she would make the room. She would improvise and create a wonderful meal that stretched. And surprisingly enough, those were great and memorable times. We had great fun and we gained insight and friends by sharing what we did have.
So I ponder today. Am I rushing around and ignoring people and being too busy to see needs in others? Am I truly forgetting the true reason for this wonderful season? Am I shutting out others just so I have a "perfect" holiday? Am I being rude and unkind to the shoppers around me?
What about you? Do you have room for one more?
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Love is All You Need
To a stable long ago he came
A place where you and I would be ashamed
To make our entrance into the world
No trumpets, flags left unfurled.
How could the Savior, the king
Come to earth where only angels sing
The tidings of comfort and joy
A humble place with no ploy
This is not what we’d expect
Yet even now with great effect
We try to impress others
With gifts for sister and brothers
When the only thing that truly matters
Is the selfless love that shatters
Even the coziest of places
And the hardest of faces
Because our Savior our King did come
From Heaven above with angelic anthem
To share the knowledge and truth
With men, women child and youth
Do what is just and right
Love mercy with all your might
Walk humbly with your God
And one day you will be awed
When you find yourself at His feet
30 seconds of silence when you meet
Because the love of this great man
Over the world did span
Brought life and love to you
Your sisters and brothers too
Be happy and love without malice
Drink deep from life’s chalice
Share what has been given to you
From the babe in a stable, not a statue
The greatest of gifts, one that is rife
With Love and Everlasting Life!