Dreams....they pound away in my head
What if I could just....and away my thoughts slide
It's not as though the dreams are impossible
It's just that they like to hide
Behind all the busyness of life
Away they silently glide
Do they mean anything at all
Are these dreams real
In the quietness of the moment
Or when alone and still
Back into my life they march
Wooing, inviting, restlessness they reveal
Desire like none other
Unreached loads of potential
Knocking and rocking my world
Claiming to be essential
“When will you do something”
They scream; not inconsequential
Dreams....they pound away in my head
“Ignoring us would be a crime”
My thoughts like frenetic gestures
The hands of an excited mime
Seeking to make the connection
Shouting now! “Make the time!”
The road forward is crooked
Some sharp and dangerous seams
The path ahead is well traveled at first
Many look to have passed these beams
Ah.......the landscape is changing
Road less traveled, more extremes
It is up to me to decide
Will I let this road less traveled
Create a desire for adventure or
Give up and become unraveled
A fighter lives in this body
I will not give up nor become rattled
I will pursue these thoughts, these dreams
These nagging thoughts so rife
With hope and adventure
No, I will not let the busyness of life
Generate within this lovely lady
Disappointment and strife
I see this for what it is
The chance to achieve
A new opportunity to pursue
Not to sit around and grieve
What if I could just....and away my thoughts slide
It's not as though the dreams are impossible
It's just that they like to hide
Behind all the busyness of life
Away they silently glide
Do they mean anything at all
Are these dreams real
In the quietness of the moment
Or when alone and still
Back into my life they march
Wooing, inviting, restlessness they reveal
Desire like none other
Unreached loads of potential
Knocking and rocking my world
Claiming to be essential
“When will you do something”
They scream; not inconsequential
Dreams....they pound away in my head
“Ignoring us would be a crime”
My thoughts like frenetic gestures
The hands of an excited mime
Seeking to make the connection
Shouting now! “Make the time!”
The road forward is crooked
Some sharp and dangerous seams
The path ahead is well traveled at first
Many look to have passed these beams
Ah.......the landscape is changing
Road less traveled, more extremes
It is up to me to decide
Will I let this road less traveled
Create a desire for adventure or
Give up and become unraveled
A fighter lives in this body
I will not give up nor become rattled
I will pursue these thoughts, these dreams
These nagging thoughts so rife
With hope and adventure
No, I will not let the busyness of life
Generate within this lovely lady
Disappointment and strife
I see this for what it is
The chance to achieve
A new opportunity to pursue
Not to sit around and grieve
Ah…there is the mime again
“Up! To your
dreams cleave!”
Dreams, the first step to reality
Pretty soon they will blossom
Wonderful partners they make
Work hard, don’t play opossum
Plan, practice, do it over again
The end result will be awesome
Dreams, they pound away in my head…………………….