Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Pondering my Options for 2014

Have you seen all the new 2014 cars?  Oh my word!  There are a plethora of choices and they have numerous options.  Satellite radio, now there’s one I do consider to be a must have on my next vehicle; it’s not optional!  I used to get to car shop weekly when I lived in the Chicago area; Interstate 90 is wonderful for that. 

The classic question many seek to answer the last few days of each year is not what new car model they will purchase. It’s “What are your New Year’s Resolutions?”  My experience in this exercise is not very positive.

According to Google, who, of course, is THE smartest person in the world, based on the statistics compiled by University of Scranton, Journal of Clinical Psychology and published on 12/13/2013, only 14% of people over the age of 50 achieve success with making resolutions.  Only 39% of those under the age of 50 achieve success. With percentages like that who wants to make them. 

I want to be honest and say that I often do consider the power I could have if I did make a resolution and keep it, but it doesn’t last very long.  LOL  I will say that this year I pondered my options quite thoroughly. I’ll use an acrostic to share them with you.

O – Opinions – This is a good place to begin because all options are based on someone’s opinion.

OK, so maybe I’ll work this year on changing others opinions of Me.  That won’t work.  Takes way too much time and effort and I’m not giving them any more of my time or effort.

My husband. Ha!  I tried that and failed. AND don’t you dare tell me anything about my husband that’s negative.  I know all kinds of ways to hurt you and if I don’t get the job done, I’ll turn you over to my kids. Believe me, you DON’T want that. 
One knows Taekwondo,
One is an attorney,
One is an artist and can make a caricature out of you and post it on the Internet and you’ll never live it down and
The last One, but certainly, most assuredly not least, she has learned everything from all the rest cause she’s the baby and you’ll be decimated.

Nah, just forget it, this is way too much work and I don’t care what other people think anyway. This is not an option.

P – Portent – One of my new words this year.  Yes!  I LOVE love LOVE words.

First, let me share its meaning. states it like this “an indication of omen of something about to happen, especially something momentous!"  So you see it fits this time of the year. 

Some folks think they are portent.  They attach the ‘IM’ in front of the word and believe they are IMportant.  If you have to add the IM to the word, you’re not; Just sayin’.

There are people who portent; they try to predict what is going to happen next year.  I don’t put too much stock in those things; they are a good read at best.
Where do I get my portents? From the Word of God!  Everything I hear in the world today, I’ve found to be a portent from the Word of God.  Since God is at 100%, all His foretelling’s come true; changing this is not an option.

T – Trade – Oh boy, I love to trade….you have to have something in order to trade…..

Let’s see, husband?  No way!  I’ve had this one for 32 years and besides we are a pretty stunning package deal, so nope, not up for a trade there.

There’s the house.  Ha!  No way!  The Lord gave us that one and what he gives to me is never up for trade.

I don’t think there’s anything I’d trade except for some of my bad habits but no one ever wants those.  Sure wish I could just give them away……Doesn’t look like I have anything I can trade right now, so this is not an option.

I – Invent – Invent a new me; Ha!  That’s not goin’ so good. 
I tried that once.  I had to pretend and hide the real me; I threw away all the masks I purchased; they were all non-refundable and back then we didn’t recycle ANYTHING especially masks.

God’s been working on me for 53 years and you can see how that’s working out.  I heard him talking to the angels the other day and they wanted to know why he keeps trying and he replied I was worth it, so I guess I’ll leave that one alone; that’s not an option.

O – Others – Oh, yeah, baby, I would love the chance to change others. Let’s see…

My parents, no; they put up with me already without any complaints.

My family, no; no one can change them.  God’s having a pretty tough time his-self, so I’ll leave that up to him.

Just about this time in my devotions, yep you got it, me and God are having devotions (they pretty much last all day) AND he made me so good I multi-task while we’re talking…….He told me to leave others to him; my job is just to love them just as they are and he can handle the rest.  So changing others is not an option.

N – Norms – What I consider to be normal

One Man and One Woman makes a marriage…..nope not changing that.

Life begins at conception….nope not changing that.

Everybody ought to go to Sunday School every week…nope not changing that.

A happy wife makes a happy life….nope not changing that. I will be happy no matter what; not changing that. 

Daily Devotions – ah, can’t change that or the witchy woman returns and no one likes her.

Looks like changing norms is not an option.

S – Same – I guess the only option I’m left with is to keep everything the same.  If it’s not broke, don’t change it, right?

I will always go to church more than once a week.  I’ve got to be saved and it takes a lot of church to keep me saved.  My portent says Let us not give up meeting together. Some are in the habit of doing this. Instead, let us cheer each other up with words of hope. Let us do it all the more as you see the day coming when Christ will return.”  (Hebrews 10:25)

I will always be a happy wife so we have a happy life. I set the tone of my household every day through daily devotions and my attitude.

I will always love my family and will cherish our relationships no matter how crazy, stupid or dysfunctional we may be. They are mine and I will not change that.

I will always be a rebel saved by grace. I will cherish my Savior and his grace and forgiveness and daily seek to be more like Him.

I will always be beautiful at every age and at every season of my life!  If you have a problem with that, you can talk to God.  He’s still working on me so perhaps there is hope for your thoughts on that.  Just don’t tell me.  He likes to keep me looking up!!

I will always strive to please everyone around me.  This is one area God has had some success in lately.  I now know the value of no.  Sometimes the one I need to please is me and I need to say no to you in order to say yes to me.

Based on the facts and analysis of my options, I chose ‘S’.  I’m keeping things the same.  That seems to work best anyhow.  

Happy 2014!!  Best of luck in the New Year!