Thursday, January 14, 2010

Praise the Lord!

A greeting that we Pentecostal's say without meaning it is "Praise the Lord!" It has become a cursory greeting that we say as we shake hands with folks while we make our way to our pews. I know it's cursory because I've sometimes replied with "I do" or "He is faithful!" Most often, the person doesn't even hear what I've said. If they do hear me, they turn around and ask me what I said? You did not expect me to actually "Praise the Lord!"

Last night while driving home from Chicago a speaker was talking about praise. I have no idea who it was. But his comment made me lower the sound and really think about praise.

I've heard it said, and I've even said it myself at times, children and dogs know when someone is being sincere. I think they have a built in antennae or an early warning system that helps them to discern when someone is being sincere.

You know when someone is being sincere when they praise YOU. I do. It's sort of like when one of your children has offended another child. You talk to them about how their actions have hurt the other person and you say, "Now tell them you're sorry." If you've not got your point across to that child, he or she will say "Sorry!" but it has no meaning because they were not sincere. I know you're chuckling.

We do that same thing when we're "praising God". Listen to one of my prayers. "Lord, I praise you. Thank you, Jesus. Lord, you are great! You are awesome!" And I can just see him up there in Heaven replying, "What for?" "I am? Yesterday you wouldn't even speak to me." Or how about the one that we say to our spouses, "Yeah, but do you love me?" See, we're seeking to validate the sincerity of the praise.

The key here is that the person giving the praise must be sincere for it to have any meaning whatsoever. In order to sincerely offer praise, then you must know that person. There is some characteristic, attribute or action for which you are praising that person for. You saw what they did; you heard about what they did; or you were on the receiving end of the action. You know specifically what you are talking about.

Praise is also something that we're supposed to do in the good and bad times. The Bible encourages us by saying "In everything giving thanks....." I have to tell you that's one of the greatest challenges of my life. How in the world am I going to be able to praise God when what I am going through is completely overwhelming me? I can't even remember without significant effort what good has been in my life. Ever been there?

What I realized last night that has energized me is that you can't really do that unless you know God and know what's he's done. I know that's pretty simple, but let me play this out just a bit.

I know that God can make something out of nothing because in Genesis I read that he formed the world, created the environment we live in today called earth, by his spoken word.

I know that God trusted Job so thoroughly that he challenged the devil to test Job and when it was all said and done Job ended up with more than he had before the test.

I know that God provided water out of a rock for approximately 6 million homeless people aimlessly roaming the wilderness.

I know that God heard the prayer of a general leading an army in the middle of the fight and made the sun stand still for half a day. I know that this is not just a story in the Bible but has been scientifically proven.

That's just a few things I know from the Old Testament. If you look at what Jesus did in the New Testament we can add raising the dead to life, healing the blind, the deaf, the crippled and calming the sea before it capsized the boat he and his disciples were traveling in.

If I begin thanking the Lord for these things........ "Lord, I know that you are able to create a world from nothing and hang stars in space by your spoken word." "You are faithful to provide water for 6 million people traveling in the dessert from a rock." And Lord your compassion and understanding are so great because I know you raised a son back to life when the mother was overcome with grief so deep she couldn't stop crying."

When you start praising him with specific things that you know about him and the things that you now remember he has done for you, there's no way that you can suppress the hope that begins to raise in you. If he can do that for other people, he can do that for you. How do I know, because I have also read his Word. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He never changes. There is nothing that is impossible for him. He promised that we would never see a flood that wiped out the whole earth and gave us a beautiful rainbow as a reminder of that promise; and he has kept it.

You see, it contagious! I can't stop praising him because one thought leads to another and pretty soon I see his hand in my life and joy starts bubbling up! And now I know I am the apple of his eye and that he loves me and he is with me right now and he can and will take care of what began as an overwhelming obstacle in my life.

Warning! This is a repetitive action. Tomorrow you may be right back at the beginning feeling overwhelmed. No....wait, in a hour you may be right back at the beginning feeling overwhelmed...... But praise, sincere, specific and personal praise will lift you right back up to where you know that GOD is an ever present help in the time of trouble. He is able, waiting and ready to carry you through your day. He is with you always!!

So what are you waiting for? Praise the Lord!!

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