Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Do you have room for one more?
Just like that Christmas so long ago, I am finding people who don't have room in their lives for others. They are so busy with creating the most perfectly decorated home, or buying the perfect gift that they don't truly "see" others. Worse, they may even be searching for a gift for someone who they really don't care for and wish that they didn't feel the pressure to buy "something" for them. Some are checking their notes from last year and "re-gifting" that dumb gift from Auntie Sallie's second cousin who felt obligated to bring the hostess a gift, hoping that no one realizes what they did.
A room? Are you kidding? You want to bring a guest? But we didn't buy them a gift? How will they feel not getting a gift? Really? Is that what this precious time of celebrating Christ's birth means to you?
At least, 2000+ years ago, the true state of affairs was that there truly wasn't one more place to put someone in the inn. It's a sad tale. No woman in her right mind can fathom what that must have really been like. But today, it's appalling that we can't seat one more person at the already overflowing table. It's appalling that we don't want to take the time to share our blessings with just one more person. It's appalling to think that we may have truly lost the real meaning of Christmas.
I remember times when my dad would call and tell my mom unexpected guests would be coming. Oh, yes, she wasn't perfect. (sorry mom) She would sometimes complain. Our house wasn't clean enough. We didn't have enough food. She was too tired. BUT, she would make the room. She would improvise and create a wonderful meal that stretched. And surprisingly enough, those were great and memorable times. We had great fun and we gained insight and friends by sharing what we did have.
So I ponder today. Am I rushing around and ignoring people and being too busy to see needs in others? Am I truly forgetting the true reason for this wonderful season? Am I shutting out others just so I have a "perfect" holiday? Am I being rude and unkind to the shoppers around me?
What about you? Do you have room for one more?
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Love is All You Need
To a stable long ago he came
A place where you and I would be ashamed
To make our entrance into the world
No trumpets, flags left unfurled.
How could the Savior, the king
Come to earth where only angels sing
The tidings of comfort and joy
A humble place with no ploy
This is not what we’d expect
Yet even now with great effect
We try to impress others
With gifts for sister and brothers
When the only thing that truly matters
Is the selfless love that shatters
Even the coziest of places
And the hardest of faces
Because our Savior our King did come
From Heaven above with angelic anthem
To share the knowledge and truth
With men, women child and youth
Do what is just and right
Love mercy with all your might
Walk humbly with your God
And one day you will be awed
When you find yourself at His feet
30 seconds of silence when you meet
Because the love of this great man
Over the world did span
Brought life and love to you
Your sisters and brothers too
Be happy and love without malice
Drink deep from life’s chalice
Share what has been given to you
From the babe in a stable, not a statue
The greatest of gifts, one that is rife
With Love and Everlasting Life!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Nearsighted People Are Better Friends
These past few weeks have been troublesome to me. The earpiece on my glasses came apart. The soldering failed to hold it together. Now I didn't purchase these locally, so it has been a service nightmare. We'll save that story for another time, perhaps. I could not drive since I can't see far away and I have depth perception issues. I finally found that jewelers actually can fix these things. I got them fixed and returned to a normal lifestyle this week. :-)
This along with my devotions in Ephesians got me to pondering this morning and I've decided that nearsighted people are better friends.
If you can see far away, you can go places alone or bring someone with you. If you can't see far away, you have to get a nearsighted friend to help you. If your friend is farsighted and has the same deficiencies that you do with eyesight, then you'll not be able to venture very far from where you are, unless of course, they have eyeglasses.
While I had this issue with my glasses, I complained a lot. Yes, I did. I had to ask people to come closer. I couldn't drive and had to wait for someone to take me places. I had to move the computer closer to me so I could work. My eyes got tired more easily and I was irritable more often. The immediate things overshadowed and drowned opportunities that I might have had.
I find that's true in my spiritual life as well. Paul tells us in Ephesians that we need to put on the armor of God daily. Why? Because if we don't we're farsighted and not a very good friend to have. We lack the things that would give us power, strength, peace and faith. Without these things, we will not be able to stand strong. We'll be complainers and doubters. We won't be able to do anything on our own. We'll need others to prop us up and drive us places. We might even have unintentional failures where we could have succeeded if we'd only put on our glasses, our spiritual armor.
Nearsighted people are more like Christ. They don't ignore the immediate, but they balance it by what they see in the future. They see the opportunities in things, not the overwhelming hard work that must be done today to get there. They see the good in the person that's currently contentious because they don't understand; they see this persons need for knowledge and they take the time to instruct them knowing that they will become the next Sunday School teacher with enthusiasm and impact.
You see, nearsighted people are better friends. They put their glasses on daily. They might have to take them off for a moment and clean them from all the mud that was kicked up in their face, but when they put those glasses back on, they keep looking ahead and pursuing the prize that is set before them. Why? Because they put on their armor every day.
I'll let the Word of God have the last say. Ephesians 6:10-18 in The Message Version:
"And that about wraps it up. God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we'll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.
Be prepared. You're up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You'll need them throughout your life. God's Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each others spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out."
I don't know about you, but I'm putting my glasses on this morning. I want to be a nearsighted friend of God today!Friday, August 12, 2011
Leave me alone! I like being Blind, ok?
What a joy to hear the sounds that surround me; lawns being mowed, the birds are chirping away and the dog is in the deck chair beside me enjoying the day. I smell the broasted chicken being cooked at the deli of the store just a few houses away and my mouth is watering. Wind begins to blow through the leaves and it's like music to my ears. Relaxation is about to totally overcome me and the pondering begins.
Blindness. What a terrible handicap. As I lie here identifying all the things I hear, I can also see it in my mind. What if I had never seen a lawn being mowed, would I recognize the sound? If I'd never ate broasted chicken from the deli, would I recognize the smell; would my mouth water at the thought of it? No. Someone would have to describe them as best they could so that I would know what they were. Better yet, I'd have to experience them myself to get the fullest understanding so I'd recognize them the next time.
Over the years my eyesight has deteriorated. I've had to purchase eyeglasses with progressive lenses to see more clearly. I really don't like glasses. However the alternative is not acceptable either. Sometimes I'll delay putting on my glasses for a while. It's fine while I am working around the house. But when I try to look across the street or I have to drive to the store, the glasses have to be put on in order to see more clearly and eliminate the distortion. As much as I hate them, they are essential to my ability to see more than a few feet around me.
My heart asks me a question....what about spiritual blindness? As I think of this question I am struck by the thoughts that rush through me. Do I see the things I should? Can I identify the sounds I hear around me? Have I experienced the things that I should so I can identify them when my eyes are closed? Do I hear the wind blowing through my world? Do I hear the beautiful sounds of birds chirping and smell the things God is preparing for us? Does my mouth water in anticipation of the next service I will participate in or the next message that will be served up in my hearing? Do I need eyeglasses? If so, have I gone for that examination to see exactly what it is I need? Have I asked the right questions of the Savior so that I understand what my needs are?
Honestly, I want to balk at these thoughts. I even want to say leave me alone! I like being blind, ok? I know what to expect of myself and my environment just the way it is. I know where the furniture is and I know what's expected of me in my current environment. I have disappointments and there are things that I wish were different, but hey, I'm good! Leave me alone! At least I know what to expect, right? Some things will never change. Acceptance is my friend, right? Better to just leave things alone as they are. Like I said, I like being blind!
But there are two songs that just play over and over in my mind and I can't get block them out. Open the Eyes of my Heart and If We are the Body. As I let myself hear these songs clearly in my mind, my throat is constricting with the unspoken longing from deep inside. I know that if I give into this and talk to the Master optometrist of the soul, I'll have to submit to the examination of my eyes and he'll examine my heart and point out the things that I need to work on.
What will it cost me to remain as I am? Who will be impacted by my blindness? Why am I even questioning these things? There are two spirits raging inside me. Which one will win?
Someone once said, the winner is the one you feed.....................pondering continues...............
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The Predictability of Storms – Storms-Part Two
My company wrote us an email and reminded us of all the precautions we should take during this “storm season” and procedures to be followed in case one of these storms causes extensive or catastrophic damage. That got my “pondering” juices flowing……
Storms are predictable. My grandfather worked as a foreman on several ranches in the California San Joaquin Valley. He could smell the rain coming. He could feel that the temperatures were going to drop and he’d be up all night tending to the orchards and keeping the smudge pots going. He could read the signs of the physical elements around him and know what type of day or night it would be.
My grandfather used his powers of prediction and amazed me and my cousins one day. When my cousins would come to stay with us in the summer, my mother always sent us out to play. This particular time it was a very, VERY dry California summer. We needed rain badly and we’d heard my parents and grandparents talking of this off and on for several days. I’m not sure why my grandfather stopped by that afternoon, but he did.
As he was leaving he told us that he could make it rain. Of course, that got our attention. We knew he could not make rain; only God could do that and we told him so. He kept up this back and forth conversation regarding his powers for a bit. He then told us he could show us this old Indian Rain Dance he knew and prove that he could make it rain. So, he did.
We lived in the country and we burned our trash in an old barrel outside. Grandpa walked over to that barrel and started to chant and dance around it. This went on for a little bit and he got us to join him and dance around that old barrel. We had the greatest fun. But inside we knew it was not going to rain but our grandpa was acting silly and we enjoyed every minute of it. Ah, but it did rain. That night there was what I heard my family refer to as a “gully washer”. That next day, the powers of our grandfather were forever stamped in our minds.
Now we are much more sophisticated. Technology has given many people the power to predict the weather patterns and storms. Through these advancements, many lives have been saved and damage minimized or sometimes even avoided because we are aware of the coming storms. Matter of fact, we also know the type of storms coming; there are seasons and patterns.
That brings me to the point of my pondering. It’s the same in our lives. Storms are predictable. Storms have seasons and patterns. Since we know this is true, then we can prepare for and minimize the damage they may bring.
We learn to prepare for storms and problems by the examples around us; parents, family, friends and acquaintances. All play a part in molding our ability to weather the storms of life. The wisdom and knowledge of those around us is a key contributor to how we handle the storm season.
Let me give you a couple examples from my life.
I’ll call this one the “Season of the Young Mother”. When I was a young mother, I thought that having children would totally complete me and I would reach that pinnacle of fulfillment and find the happiness I’d imagined. It wasn’t all I imagined it to be. Hiding in the closet with a flashlight to eat a candy bar and read a book wasn’t what I thought I’d be doing.
I never expected to resent those children. I never expected to be so angry with my husband for not being home during the day and I wanted to leave it all to him when he got home; see how he would deal with it. These things left me feeling like something was terribly wrong with me. I must not be a very good mom. Matter of fact, I must be a really selfish person to resent these little people and the man I had once loved more than anything else.
I did not know that this season of life was like all others; storms occur to help us change. That’s right. This storm was there to help me awaken to the fact that a new dimension of life was opened up. It was no longer about me and my husband and our life together. This season was about focusing on others. My value had just been increased. I needed to adjust my sails so I wouldn’t ship wreck.
I had to adjust to this new season. I had to find others who’d been through this before to help me understand that my life as a mother was the most important job I had. I had to learn to value this role and learn that my frustrations were natural and my feelings were normal. I found others who’d successfully weathered this season and learned to take time for myself when I could. I learned to quit trying to be superwoman, doing it all, to being supermom; setting right and Godly priorities.
How do you prepare for the storms in your life? What have you found that brings the peace and stability to weather the storm? What storm seasons have you weathered?
I’d love to hear from you. You can comment on this post, or you can write me at pvs1960@gmail.com.
My next post will be Storms-Part Three – The Power of the Storm
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Taming the Storm - Part One
I think I was in the sixth grade when we had an illustrated lesson on storms. The teacher had a teapot that was clear. He filled about one-third of the pot with water and placed it over a Bunsen burner to heat. Soon the steam began to build up to the point that it whirled and swirled; faster and faster the hotter it grew. Finally, it was too much to contain in the teapot and began to whistle noisily through the small hole in the cap.
It was an incredible show; small whips of mist built up into very noticeable white steam. Swirls that changed and moved faster and faster the hotter the temperature was. Oh yes, I almost forgot the point he was making. There was a thermometer there. As the temperature of the water rose the steam was more noticeable and it moved faster.
This morning as I was having my devotions, I remembered one thing very clearly - the water was pretty calm throughout most of the experiment. The teacher did mention this, but we really didn’t focus on that. Little water bubbles formed and would move to the top of the surface and escape. The hotter the temperature of the water, the more little bubbles formed and escaped. When the temperature reached the boiling point, that’s when the water erupted into roiling waves.
Today, as I remember this illustrated lesson, I am struck again by how great God is. Jesus’ teachings in the Bible used nature and physical things to teach us spiritual lessons. How did he know so much? He wasn’t very old; he started his public ministry when he was 30. How could he except that he was God. He understood natural science and physiology because he was the Creator of all things.
How many times have you been reminded of this? How many lessons from your early years do you recall that now turns the light of understanding on in your life? Do you see God differently now?
Storms are inevitable. Matter of fact, storms are necessary to the maturity of all living things; including human beings. Storms clean the air and water and encourage growth.
How is your journey so far? Are you praying for a storm-free life? Or are you learning and growing from them? I challenge you to look back at the storms you’ve come through. Can you see the growth experienced because of the storm?
I’m hoping you’ll take some time to share your thoughts with me.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Let's Get Naked!
There’s nothing like having way too many clothes on. Not only is it hard to move around, but you can get overheated as well. When getting ready to go backpacking in cold weather, I’ve heard the park rangers caution everyone not to overdress. Sweating underneath too many clothes can be as dangerous as not having enough clothing on.
When I was a younger girl, clothing was of some significance in our Western culture. Girls who were pure when they married wore white wedding dresses. If you were going to church, you wore the very best clothing you had and women NEVER wore pants. We did not have ‘dress-down’ Friday’s at work. Women had to wear nylons at work. Men had to wear suit coats. Easter was the first time you could wear white shoes; you never wore white shoes after Memorial Day weekend. If you were going to a funeral, you never wore any bright clothing; it was navy blue, dark brown or black.
There are many references to clothing in the Bible. Clothing was a tool used to identify a person’s position, culture, religion or status in life. Sackcloth was used as a sign of mourning or deep repentance. One phrase I see a lot is they “rent their clothing”. Often it is used to demonstrate a person’s emotion when they were overcome with grief, shame or humiliation.
Clothing can cover a lot of things. If you’re too thin, wear stripes that are broad and run horizontal to the ground. If you’re on the heavier side and want to wear stripes, wear clothing with stripes that are thinner and run vertical to the ground. If you are broad in the shoulders and want to appear smaller, wear v-necklines. If you are too thin in the shoulders, wear square necklines. These are illusions. You’re still too thin or heavy, yet the clothing helps to emphasize or disguise the facts.
The lack of clothing uncovers a lot of things. I know I don’t have to describe this statement because each and everyone of you reading this right now have some mental images playing around in your mind.
Just as clothing can cover and/or disguise things, so can our actions. Our actions can cover and disguise who and what we are.
Have you ever told someone that you knew what they were getting for their birthday for that special someone because you helped to pick it out? Then that someone begged and coerced you into telling them what it was? You cave into their persuasive powers and spill the beans. You tell them because you know that they can be trusted and you make them promise that they will act like they don’t know and BE surprised? Oh my word!! Can YOU even do that? Be serious! That is NEVER going to be possible. Guess who will never help someone buy a birthday gift again? YOU!! Actions are hard to fake, but some of us have mastered the craft.
Jesus exposed some people who had superior talents in this area. In Matthew 23 he talks about the Pharisees. Jesus told his followers that the Pharisees works were being done so people would see them; their beautiful prayer shawls and the borders of their garments were super-sized. (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+23&version=KJV) He goes on through this chapter to uncover their lies and hypocrisy.
I love how the Message version of the Bible translates the 23rd and 24th verses. “You’re hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees! Frauds! You keep meticulous account books, tithing on every nickel and dime you get, but on the meat of God’s Law, things like fairness and compassion and commitment – the absolute basics!—you carelessly take it or leave it. Careful bookkeeping is commendable, but the basics are required. Do you have any idea how silly you look, writing a life story that’s wrong from start to finish, nitpicking over commas and semicolons?”
After carefully considering this chapter in Matthew, I’ve decided I want to get naked! Naked before God and the world! I don’t want what I wear or what I say to define who I am. I want my actions to reflect Christ within the hope of the world. I want them to know me because I love you and everyone else I come into contact with. (John 13:35)
The model we should be following for ministry is Jesus Christ. His model?
1) He ministered to the men who he shared all areas of his life.
2) He had an attitude and demonstration of servanthood to all!
3) He had a comprehensive command of relational love.
You cannot share all areas of your life if you’re not naked; transparent. If you put on all that fancy stuff and use those Harvard terms when talking to others and can’t get down to the 6th grade level of communication, then you’re going to have a hard time with being a servant. If you don’t understand people from all walks of life and welcome discussions and interactions with them on a personal level, don’t you be expecting to win them to Christ.
I want to be honest, pure, holy, righteous and full of compassion and love as Jesus was. I want to win my world, those people I work and live with, to Jesus Christ. And I’m asking myself this question, how much do I want it? Do I want it enough to get naked?
Monday, February 21, 2011
If not now, when?
Last night when we arrived back home from church service, I decide to clean the air purifier. I pulled all the parts out, washed them, soaked the piece that should be soaked, rinsed all the pieces off and set them on the counter to dry overnight. I got up today and put it all back together. Guess what? The lamp needs replacing. Of course, this got me to pondering................
There are so many things that I've put off in life; to another day, another hour, another what? Why? Some of these things are important, some of them are not, but they are things that should be done. Will it stop the world from spinning? No. Will it cause another person harm? No. But they are things that should be done; you know maintenance things. Things that run more smoothly once they are clean, oiled, swept or used.
Some things I've put off actually make life better. So why do I put these things off? Simply put, because they take discipline. Please don't judge me on this. I have talked to enough of my friends to know we are all the same. So I take a certain liberty with this knowledge. I actually excuse my procrastination because we all deserve a break today.
But the days are adding up. Now it's been weeks and even months in some cases. And just like the air purifier, it's harder now to clean because there's more dirt there than ever before. Some parts of that machine I had to take apart where I don't normally have to do that. And guess what? The lamp now has to be replaced. Oh, I know, that would have eventually needed to be replaced due to the hours of usage. However, I'll never really know if I could have gotten more use out of it if I'd simply performed the maintenance the first time I saw the warning message.
The big question becomes then, if not now, when? If today is not convenient, when is the right time?
In Matthew 8:19-22, Jesus met a man who made a statement "I'll go wherever you go." When Jesus asked him if he was ready to rough it, the man made a legitimate excuse, "I need to go bury my father." Jesus was really tough on this guy in his reply. I've often pondered why Jesus would minimize the impact of the father's death and funeral ritual. He basically told him, he's dead, move on.
Now Jesus wasn't setting an example telling us funerals weren't important or that ones parents death should not be mourned. I know that this is not true because you cannot take one scripture and make a sermon. Many times Jesus not only mourned the death of friends, but he interrupted things to bring them back to life. So that's not the point.
The point is that Jesus saw the man's statement for what it was. He was all show. I'll go wherever you go Jesus. But in his heart the commitment just wasn't there. He was making an excuse for those that were there listening to the exchange. He really didn't want to rough it with the Lord. How do I know that? Because Jesus let him know they weren't staying at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. They didn't even get pillows on their beds. When the man heard this he began making an excuse.
I like to think that the man would have gone home, made the funeral arrangements, attend it and then would have caught up with Jesus. But sadly, if I take my life as an example, more than likely it would not have happened. The impact of that moment where commitment was my intent, when sidetracked by an excuse, impact is lost and I never regain that sense of commitment I once had. At best I struggle and the end result of that labor is not what I thought it would be and some of the joy is gone because I have to work much harder at it.
Oh, before I forget to mention it, I want to talk about the light thing. I'm not sure what the light function is really about in the air purifier, but I know enough about design that it's got a purpose and the full benefits of the purifier will never be received until the lamp is replaced. With that being said, those things we're putting off, they are important too. We'll never be who we are truly meant to be or can be until we do them. Our inner light is never greater nor more brilliant than when we are clean and shining like we were designed to.
I don't know what your excuses have been. I don't know what it is that you've been procrastinating about. If you are truly honest with yourself, I'd say 80% of us know exactly what needs to be done. Whether it's physical or spiritual, you know. You've just been putting it off. Don't be like Felix with Paul when he said "That's enough for today. I'll call you back when it's more convenient." (Acts 24:25 Message)
So now the question remains. If not now, when?
Friday, February 4, 2011
More than Enough!
Perfect, I think! It's 32 miles one way so when I arrive in Belvidere, I'll get gas. I merge onto I90 and start listening to the morning talk show host sharing the latest world news.
The sun is reflecting brightly off the fresh snow and once again I am reminded of how beautiful Illinois is. The news fades into the background as I let the blessings of my life wash over me and gratefulness fills my heart. I feel so full of joy and it seems as though I'll never be able fit one more blessing inside.
Then my emotions make a tremendous heart wrenching dive as I glance at that odometer again. WHAT? they scream!!! Only 15 miles of gas left in the tank! That can't be. I am just now approaching the Marengo exit and I've passed the last exit possible to leave the interstate. No way! Something is wrong!!
Now there is choking fear! What to do? I know, my husband who is at home and getting ready to take Vanessa to school, he needs to know about this. Right. You know how that goes. It was something like this.
"Hi, I'm just passing through the Marengo exit and the car ways I have 15 miles of gas left in the gas tank."
"Ok. How fast are you going?"
"I'm only driving 70."
"Well, slow down to 60. You'll get more miles that way."
"Ok. We'll see how this goes. I love you."
At this point, my heart is beating so fast I hear it. I feel like I'm choking and I am breathing in short gasps, trying to think my way out of this. You can't think your way out of running out of gas on I90 in 11 degree weather. Facts are facts, you are going to run out of gas. It's just a matter of when. Make the best of it, Seibold!
So now I start praying. God, please, don't let me run out of gas. I've never run out of gas before Lord and today's not the day I wanted to have this experience. (breathe, gasp) Really Lord, please, I'm serious. I need you to help me out of this. I don't have blankets. I can't be stranded.
Ok, get your mind off of this situation. Turn up the radio loud. NO! Don't look at the odometer. You talked to God about. Either he'll deliver you or he won't. Turn up the radio louder. Not working.
I've never felt doubt, fear and a desire to believe in a miracle fight so hard to dominate one another. I truly am breathing in tiny gasps talking to myself in my head.
Then, I hear Bro. Jason's Sciscoe's message from last night. It's just the memory I need to remind me that I've GOT to have faith. It's time I start using what I have. Now's the time to believe. So now God's talking to me overtime.
Pharaohs army is pounding out a staccato that's equal to the fear in a mother's heart. Her escape from slavery was so short lived it's as though it was just a dream. This can't be happening to her and her family. The Red Sea is impassable! They'll never make it across before this army catches up to them.
The woman with the cruise of oil and a little flour is standing at the cabinet mixing well, getting ready to put the her last meal in the oven. The prophet interrupts her and requests that meal for himself. Fear engulfs her mind and she must make a life changing decision. Feed the prophet and trust his word that she'll never go without food or tell him to get lost.
Ok, so I'm over-reacting. My situation is not life-threatening but to me at that very moment it is my deepest fear. It is my doubt. It is my impossible situation. It it personal, folks! At that moment, I look at my odometer again. "4 miles to E." I am at Anthony Road. No way am I making it to Belvidere without running out of gas.
Right there and then I decided if I run out of gas, then I run out of gas, but I am not, NOT, going to get upset. If, on the other hand, God decides to answer my cry for help, then WOW what a story! So I decide to do what all good Christians everywhere do. Believe, right?
No! FIGHT!! Battle it out between my two ears!! Believe for the incredible? Accept the physical facts? Believe for the incredible? Accept the physical facts and make the best of a bad situation?
I chose to believe! I decide to start praising!! That's how to fight fear, doubt, worry, and physical facts. It starts in my mind. Thank you Lord for providing for our every need. Thank you Lord of caring about me just like I care about my children. (gasp, doubt,choke) Louder....in my mind......Lord you are the God of the Old Testament. Jesus, you are the Savior of the world! (glance at the odometer) YIKES!! Oh my Word!!! "1 mile to E" Car's running fine.
Ok, be reasonable! Get real! I start looking for the mile marker so I can tell the emergency road side service people where to find me. Then a total righteous rebellion of the mind occurs. I AM NOT RUNNING OUT OF GAS. I REFUSE TO RUN OUT OF GAS. IF GOD CAN DO ANYTHING, HE CAN DO THIS FOR ME. NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR GOD!
Now I'm praising God out loud! I'm thanking him for everything in sight. The snow because there will be plenty of water this summer. The sun for shining and providing light and vitamin D. Yeah, vitamin D will help me lose weight and increase my wellness percentage.
And all of a sudden fear and doubt turns to excited belief that in my small world today, because I am a child of the most high God, I will not run out of gas. God is my provider and I will make it to the WalMart gas station and furthermore I will not putt, putt, choke, shake, putt, putt, NO! I am going to drive up like I have a full tank! I am claiming it and speaking it as though it has already come to pass.
I'm singing and praising at the top of my lungs driving 50 mph on I90. People are driving by and I'm smiling out my window at them. You know, one of those "I'm having a great day toothy smiles" so they wonder what in the world I am doing. I can hear them......Crazy lady! Hazardous driver! Take Highway 20 next time, jerk!
All the while, they're missing the greatest miracle of February fourth two-thousand and eleven. You got it. I arrived at WalMart just like my faith said I would. Like I had a full tank of gas. I even sat there with the car on while I put on my gloves and zipped up my coat, got my debit card out, popped open the trunk to get out the gas tank stuff for cold weather, put on my chap stick, and then I turned off the car, got out and put physical gas in my tank.
Now I'm still praising out loud. I didn't even realize it was still happening. I'm still talking to God. Tears of joy are coursing down my cheeks and I'm thanking God because he's more than enough! Next thing I know, I'm dancing a bit as I pump the gas. I think I may have done one of those tricky moon walking steps as I put things back together and get back in my car.
Don't try to tell me that God doesn't care about the little things in your life. Yes, I should have planned better and I should have never even let the gas tank get below 1/2 tank in this kind of weather. Yes, I should have put gas in the tank when I saw it said "41 miles to E." Yes, yes, yes!! BUT today God loved me so much he provided a miracle for dumb little me. He let me exercise that little bit of faith inside mixed with the offensive weapon of praise and proved that he cares about me. He loves ME!! He will supply ALL my needs.
Guess what I know? I am going to go through my next "crises" better than this one. I know there is going to be a day in the very near future, when the "crises" is going to be a little bigger and I'm going to say to myself.... "Lord, I remember when you cared enough to extend my gas mileage when my gas tank was empty. If you can do that, then I know you can be more than enough in this situation too."
Hey, you should try this thing out! It works!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Do it for the right reason!
A new year is like a challenge, a new opportunity. For some reason there's a feeling that whatever has happened in the past its behind us and we can begin all over. Some people start the new year by making a resolution to change. There's a lot of data on the information highway about this topic. Here is a list of the top ten most popular new years resolutions that I found:
- Spend More time with Family & Friends
- Fit in Fitness
- Tame the Bulge
- Quit Smoking
- Enjoy Life More
- Quit Drinking
- Get Out of Debt
- Learn Something New
- Help Others
- Get Organized
- past the first week: 75%
- past 2 weeks: 71%
- after one month: 64%
- after 6 months: 46%
Using this information, it seems to indicate that approximately two-thrids of these folks have already given up on the challenge to change. If they are anything like me, there are several very good reasons why the change they planned on was either impractical to begin with or cannot be achieved because ________; you fill in the blank.
Me? I did not make any new years resolution, this year. I am smart and mature now and don't need to challenge myself with a resolve to change motivated by this tradition that doesn't work any way. I will not be a statistic!
Reviewing the top ten list, I find a couple interesting things to ponder on. 1) All these resolutions take a personal commitment of my time, and 2) In order to achieve these resolutions, one must be disciplined.
Now it's becoming more clear than ever before why approximately two-thirds of the people who made a new years resolution have already given up their resolve to change. Giving our time and being disciplined are not easy areas of our lives to change.
Why do we do this? Why do we complain about our weight or our lack of time to be more engaged with family or friends? Why do we give up after so few days pursuing dreams or desires that year after year we long to achieve? Why do we year after year resolve to meet the same goals?
I will answer for me. It's not a lack of time; I know we all have the same 24 hours a day. It's not a lack of money; these resolutions don't really have to impact my spending budget. It's really that I have not yet truly decided to change. Because when I do, I will achieve what I set out to do.
Those who truly want a better life must continually make time for the activities to achieve it. They must develop the disciplines and habits required to achieve their goals. Then, the most important of all, they must make this a lifestyle change. Too many times the goal is temporary and they revert back to the old way of life.
Bottom line is, if I want to achieve success in any of these ten areas, I must want it for the right reason. When I have the right motivation or reason, I will make the time, I will have the discipline, and I will achieve what I have resolved to do.
I've been putting things off. Just like I put off making any resolutions or goals for this year. How about you? Whatever you have chosen to do, do it for the right reason!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Ain’t No Such Thing As Plan B
I believe that God has this same type of reaction when we begin drafting Plan B. Plan B is contrary to the nature of God. Plan B is a man made philosophy.
My work is in the world of Information Technology (IT). Our customers come to us with business problems they need solved. At times they may have an existing system that needs to be enhanced to solve their problem. Other times they have a need which necessitates building a new application solution.
Once the business has come to IT with a problem and ask for our help in providing a solution, the most important phase of the project begins; the gathering and documentation of business requirements. You may be wondering why this is the most important phase. The answer is clear, concise and accurate business requirements reduce the overall cost of the project and eventual maintenance of the solution. IT departments on average spend approximately 75% of their budget on rework and maintenance. Much of this cost can be attributed to insufficient business requirements at the beginning of a project.
Now it’s up to the IT department to take the business requirements and create the solution. On time, on budget are the buzzwords we IT professionals preach to our staff. Our credibility and marketability is tied to being able to bring development projects in “on time, on budget”. This means that the estimates we gave the business at the beginning of the project were accurate. We delivered the solution in the time frame and within the cost estimates we provided.
With that being said, many of us practice contingency planning. What will we do if we get to crunch time and we don’t have enough resources? What will we do if we have problems with infrastructure or hardware? Will we be able to recover and still deliver on time and on budget? In other words, we try to come up with Plan B in case Plan A is not possible.
The practice of creating Plan B options is not Biblical. God never has a Plan B. If He did then he wouldn’t be God. If He did, then the Word of God would not be true.
Let’s look at Romans 11:29 from various translations.
King James Version - “For the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance.”
New King James Version - “For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.”
Contemporary English Version – “God doesn’t take back the gifts he has given or forget about the people he has chosen.”
Simply put, God doesn’t change his mind. God doesn’t do contingency planning. God doesn’t have Plan B. In the IT world, God would be on time and on budget 100% of the time! Who wouldn’t want to work for a company with a reputation like that!
I hear some of you right now saying, that’s only one scripture. You can’t build a theory out of one scripture. You’re absolutely right. Let’s look at a few more.
Romans 9:20 (KJV) “Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?”
Romans 9:20 (NKJV) “But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?
Psalm 139:13 (NKJV) “For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.
Isaiah 44:21 (NJKV) “Remember these, O Jacob, And Israel, for you are My servant; I have formed you, you are My servant; O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me!”
Let me ask you, friend, when did you give up on God’s plan? What occurred that caused you to doubt God’s plan for your life? When did you begin creating Plan B? Are you beginning to doubt your abilities, your desires, and your dreams? Are you wondering when the promises of God are ever going to come true in your life or in your church? Are you thinking that you better start creating Plan B so that you can at least see part of these things that you are able to make happen yourself occur?
Let’s examine a couple of situations from the Bible where people tried Plan B.
Abraham created Plan B because he did not wait on God to deliver on this promise of a son to carry on his name. That one decision has led to an international crisis between the Israelis and the Palestinians which affects us even today.
Saul could not wait on the man of God to come and offer the sacrifice on the altar; performing a role that was not his. His plan resulted in the loss of the monarchy to another man who, even though he had many failings, was considered a man after God’s own heart.
If you buy into the concept of Plan B, then you are in effect telling God that his plan for your life is flawed. God is the same yesterday, today and forever! God never changes! If God said it, we can believe it. If God gave you a dream, then he is well able to bring that plan to pass in your life.
Do you really believe that God can’t work through you because you committed some sin in your past? If so, then you truly do not know the forgiveness of God and understand the freedom of true repentance.
Do you think that because you are not able to use flowery words and create great oratories that you’ll never see your church grow? Then you must not believe that God used Moses to bring approximately six million people out of Egypt.
Do you think that because you are a woman that God cannot use you? Then you do not know about Deborah, the prophetess, which led the people during the time of the judges to victory over the armies of Sisera.
Do you think that because you are a young person and don’t have a lot of experience that God cannot use you right now, today? Then you’ve never heard the story of the boy named David, who believed that with God’s help he could kill a 9-foot giant that had all the armies of Israel cowering in caves just by the sound of his voice.
Friend, God wants you to go back to Plan A; His plan for your life. He gave you those promises and dreams. The things that you have gone through are ordained of God to bring you to this place, this time, this very hour! They have happened to you in order to form you into the person that God can use.
God couldn’t use Moses when he was in the king’s house. But after the desert experience, Moses was ready to lead! God couldn’t use Peter’s enthusiasm in the Garden of Gethsemane when he tried to defend the Lord. But after his denial of Christ and his repentance, God took that enthusiasm and used it to convince 3,000 on the day of Pentecost that the Holy Ghost was genuine and it changed their lives.
You are right where God wants you. It is now time to awake and see the glory of God fulfilled in your life. Now is not the time to waver and believe that letting down, or backing up and reconsidering, or tweaking the plan will bring it to pass. Don’t fall for that worldly philosophy. It’s a lie! Quit trying to figure out the how or the why. Let God direct your paths.
We’ve got to return to the old paths; the paths of our forefathers. What did Peter and John do that caused them to be so confident that they could tell the man at the gate to “take up his bed and walk”? What was so powerful about Peter that when he walked by and his shadow passed over people that they were healed? What did they do that caused men like John Wesley to walk through a factory and men and women repented? What was the outreach plan or program being used during the times that we hear recounted to us by our forefathers when men and women walked in drunk off the street, ran to an altar, repented of their sins and were filled with the Holy Ghost and walked out completely sober? Times when they were walking by a house and they felt to knock on the door and tell the person that God loves them and found out that person was just about to commit suicide and cried out to God for a sign that he still loved them?
That’s just it. It’s not a program. It’s living in the realm of the supernatural. It’s living the Word of God out in our daily lives. It’s Plan A. God’s original design and plan for mankind. What does it require? The requirement is to have a relationship with God. We must be in his Word. We must be talking to Him. We must be listening to Him. We must be asking for direction. We must be sensitive to His voice. We cannot have this type of ministry without the relationship. Relationships take time. Getting to know someone and recognizing the sound of their voice takes time. If we are to hear from God, then we must spend time in his word. We must spend time around people that know him. We must spend time talking with God. We must spend time listening to God.
I heard that. You just said that this type of relationship takes time and you have very little of that to spare. Between working your job and keeping your family going and all your church responsibilities, you have very little time to just sit around reading and listening. Really? Then would I be correct to say that you haven’t planned any birthday parties, family vacations, get togethers with your friends or family, or that mini-vacation with your spouse? I’m pretty sure your answer is no. You did some or many of these things this year. My point is not to stop doing those things, but to get real. You have time to do the things that are important to you.
Our problem is that we really do not value the things of God so we don’t make time for them. The things that will bring revival to this world today require that we commit time and effort to our relationship with God. Revival will not come to us, to our people, or to our communities without making the time to get to know God. There is no program to follow. There is the Word of God. Perhaps we don’t have the 12 stones taken from the Jordon River such as the Israelite's did, but we have the examples of our forefathers who lived before us to give us direction. Yes, our world has changed. Yes, the challenges that face us today are different than those of our forefathers. And, yes, you can argue that the same methods of evangelism may need to be adapted to reach our world. I won’t argue with that.
What I can say though is that the preparation for ministry has not changed. You must read and study the Word of God. You must pray and fast and learn to hear the voice of God. You must sacrifice your own desires and thoughts to those of God. You must allow God to direct your paths. You must die daily to your selfish desires. You must resist the temptation to follow the other man’s plans because they are working for him. You must resist the temptation to let down a little because “times have changed”.
You cannot expect to be used in the supernatural without building a relationship with the supernatural God we serve. Plan A is still the only plan that will work in your life. Oh, Plan B may have some benefits and results. But Plan A is God’s plan.
Remember God’s gifts and plans are without repentance. He chose you. He gave to you the gifts you have. He expects you to use them.
Someone is saying, yeah, but……I sinned and therefore I can no longer be used in that gift. Really? Who said that, God? I hear the Word telling me that God restores all that Satan has taken from us. I remember the Word of God telling me that God gives His gifts without taking them back. He’s not like the child that gives you something so you’ll be his friend and then takes it back because he no longer likes you. That’s stinking human logic. God gives his gifts and calling without taking it back. His is Plan A. The original! The only plan that brings true satisfaction and fulfillment in your life.
Ain’t no such thing as Plan B in the world that God created!! Take back what the devil has stolen from you! Stand of the Word of God. God has given us the authority, the gifts, the calling to execute Plan A. Begin today to build that relationship with God and execute Plan A!
Proverbs 19:21 “There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel – that will stand.” (NKJV)