Monday, February 21, 2011

If not now, when?

I've passed by our air purifier many times over the last couple of weeks, maybe even longer but I'm not going to admit it to anyone. There's a message displayed screaming at me to clean it. I'm not sure why I don't like cleaning that machine. It's really quite simple. Yet, I still don't clean it. I must have told myself a dozen times if I've said it once, just do it. And still I procrastinate.

Last night when we arrived back home from church service, I decide to clean the air purifier. I pulled all the parts out, washed them, soaked the piece that should be soaked, rinsed all the pieces off and set them on the counter to dry overnight. I got up today and put it all back together. Guess what? The lamp needs replacing. Of course, this got me to pondering................

There are so many things that I've put off in life; to another day, another hour, another what? Why? Some of these things are important, some of them are not, but they are things that should be done. Will it stop the world from spinning? No. Will it cause another person harm? No. But they are things that should be done; you know maintenance things. Things that run more smoothly once they are clean, oiled, swept or used.

Some things I've put off actually make life better. So why do I put these things off? Simply put, because they take discipline. Please don't judge me on this. I have talked to enough of my friends to know we are all the same. So I take a certain liberty with this knowledge. I actually excuse my procrastination because we all deserve a break today.

But the days are adding up. Now it's been weeks and even months in some cases. And just like the air purifier, it's harder now to clean because there's more dirt there than ever before. Some parts of that machine I had to take apart where I don't normally have to do that. And guess what? The lamp now has to be replaced. Oh, I know, that would have eventually needed to be replaced due to the hours of usage. However, I'll never really know if I could have gotten more use out of it if I'd simply performed the maintenance the first time I saw the warning message.

The big question becomes then, if not now, when? If today is not convenient, when is the right time?

In Matthew 8:19-22, Jesus met a man who made a statement "I'll go wherever you go." When Jesus asked him if he was ready to rough it, the man made a legitimate excuse, "I need to go bury my father." Jesus was really tough on this guy in his reply. I've often pondered why Jesus would minimize the impact of the father's death and funeral ritual. He basically told him, he's dead, move on.

Now Jesus wasn't setting an example telling us funerals weren't important or that ones parents death should not be mourned. I know that this is not true because you cannot take one scripture and make a sermon. Many times Jesus not only mourned the death of friends, but he interrupted things to bring them back to life. So that's not the point.

The point is that Jesus saw the man's statement for what it was. He was all show. I'll go wherever you go Jesus. But in his heart the commitment just wasn't there. He was making an excuse for those that were there listening to the exchange. He really didn't want to rough it with the Lord. How do I know that? Because Jesus let him know they weren't staying at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. They didn't even get pillows on their beds. When the man heard this he began making an excuse.

I like to think that the man would have gone home, made the funeral arrangements, attend it and then would have caught up with Jesus. But sadly, if I take my life as an example, more than likely it would not have happened. The impact of that moment where commitment was my intent, when sidetracked by an excuse, impact is lost and I never regain that sense of commitment I once had. At best I struggle and the end result of that labor is not what I thought it would be and some of the joy is gone because I have to work much harder at it.

Oh, before I forget to mention it, I want to talk about the light thing. I'm not sure what the light function is really about in the air purifier, but I know enough about design that it's got a purpose and the full benefits of the purifier will never be received until the lamp is replaced. With that being said, those things we're putting off, they are important too. We'll never be who we are truly meant to be or can be until we do them. Our inner light is never greater nor more brilliant than when we are clean and shining like we were designed to.

I don't know what your excuses have been. I don't know what it is that you've been procrastinating about. If you are truly honest with yourself, I'd say 80% of us know exactly what needs to be done. Whether it's physical or spiritual, you know. You've just been putting it off. Don't be like Felix with Paul when he said "That's enough for today. I'll call you back when it's more convenient." (Acts 24:25 Message)

So now the question remains. If not now, when?

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